
Best Postpartum Recovery Amazon Products

Postpartum Amazon Products

Postpartum recovery is no joke. Friends and family will try to warn you, but until you experience it yourself, it’s hard to fully understand. In my opinion, the best thing you can do is stock up on all the products that will help you ahead of time. That way you can focus on your recovery and, of course, your little bundle of joy. I made this list of postpartum recovery Amazon products to make it easy for you expecting mammas.

Always Discreet Disposable Diapers

Postpartum Amazon Products

I wore these adult diapers during my first week home from the hospital, and they were amazing. They are super absorbent, comfortable, and you really don’t notice them under clothes. I certainly liked them more than those mesh panties with the super pads the hospital gave me. That first week or two you bleed a lot, and the diapers are so much easier than constantly changing a pad. I would wear one overnight and then switch to a clean one in the morning and again halfway through the day. 

Always Unscented Extra Long Ultra Thin Pads

Postpartum Amazon Products

I used these Always pads my second week postpartum and after. I definitely appreciated the extra length, absorbency, and wings. Whatever pads you do get, remember to get unscented to avoid infections.


Postpartum Amazon Products

Oh my goodness, Dermoplast saved me after my episiotomy. If you tear or have an episiotomy you’re gonna have a lot of pain down there, and Dermoplast spray is actually able to numb it. I used it throughout the day and before and after I went to the bathroom. It’s seriously a must. 

Earth Mama Herbal Perennial Spray

Postpartum Amazon Products

This is another spray that provides relief down there. It doesn’t numb the area but does provide a cooling comfort. It’s made with all-natural ingredients including witch hazel, lavender, and peppermint oil. 

Frida Mom Peri Bottle 

Postpartum Amazon Products

This peri bottle is great to use while and after you go potty. Urinating can be painful when your stream hits were you tore or were cut, so using this to spray some water while you go can really help. It can also clean you up after you go, as you’re not going to want to wipe down there for a while. 


Postpartum Amazon Products

Ah sticking a few Tucks in your pad or adult diaper will feel amazing. They have a cooling feeling and the witch hazel provides instant, healing comfort. The hospital will probably give you some, but be sure to have some extra at home too.

Postpartum Belly Wrap

 Postpartum Amazon Products



I loved this postpartum wrap. I know it looks like it would be uncomfortable, but I actually found it felt great to wear. I first wore it at the hospital when my belly was still kinda flopping over and my back was hurting. It provided instant relief and even seemed to make my belly go down a little quicker. I continued to use it a couple of hours a day for the first two weeks. 


Earth Mama Nipple Butter

Postpartum Amazon Products

This nipple butter is awesome! Breastfeeding can be demanding and leave you with sore or even cracked nipples. Having this on hand provides some instant relief and can help you heal. It’s made with all organic products, and you don’t have to wash it off before nursing again. 

Disposable Nursing Pads

Postpartum Amazon Products

I remember when my milk first came in, and I leaked everywhere. It felt super crazy for a first time mom. I quickly learned that these nursing pads are super helpful to just stick in your bra to avoid constantly getting drenched. 


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