
Life Hacks You Need To Know

Life Hacks

Life Hacks

Life hacks are the best! They save you time and make your life easier. The internet is full of life hacks, but a bunch of those hacks I would never use. Example: Using a crayon as a candle? You’d have to be pretty desperate to resort to a crayon for light. Anyway, here are a few of my favorite life hacks that I actually use.

1. To get the stink out of smelly shoes, put them in a plastic bag, and then place them in the freezer for a few hours or overnight. When you get them out, they’ll smell much better. 

Life Hacks

2. Run your knife along some folded aluminum foil to sharpen it. This is a great option if you don’t have a knife sharpener on hand. 

Life Hacks

3. If need to charge your phone but don’t have a wall charger, you can just plug it into a TV set. Make sure the TV is on, or it won’t charge. 

Life Hacks

4. If you send a text that you quickly regret, turn the phone on airplane mode before it finishes sending. Then delete the text. 

5. If you have a wrinkly shirt you don’t feel like ironing, throw it in the drier with a couple of ice cubes. The melting ice will steam your shirt. 

6. A drier sheet takes deodorant marks right out. 

Life Hacks

7. A dryer sheet in your pocket can help keep bugs away. 

Life Hacks

8. To put on a bracelet by yourself, tape the end of the bracelet to your wrist. Then, use your index fingers to get a good grip on the clamp.

Life Hacks

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