
Weaning from Breastfeeding: A Gradual Transition Guide

Weaning From Breastfeeding

Weaning marks a significant milestone for both you and your baby as you embark on a new phase of motherhood. The process of transitioning from breastfeeding to solid foods can be both emotional and practical. On one hand, I felt sad that our breastfeeding journey was ending, while on the other hand, I was excited about this next phase in our lives and mother/child relationship. I hope this post will provide you insight into the gradual approach of weaning, and give you tips to ensure a smooth and positive experience for both you and your little one.

Understanding the Right Time:

Determining the right time to start weaning is a personal decision that depends on your baby’s readiness and your comfort level. A good time to start gradual weaning is around six months when your baby begins eating food throughout the day regularly.

The Gradual Approach:

Gradual weaning allows your baby’s body and emotions to adjust to the changes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this process:

  1. Introduce Solids: Begin by introducing single-ingredient, iron-rich purees like rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and applesauce. Offer one new food every few days to monitor for allergies or sensitivities.
  2. Increase Solid Meals: As your baby becomes more accustomed to solids, gradually increase the number of solid meals and work up to three meals and two snacks a day.
  3. Space Out Breastfeeding Feedings: As your baby begins eating more solids, allow longer time periods to pass between breastfeeding sessions.
  4. Follow Your Baby’s Lead: Pay attention to your baby’s cues. If they seem uninterested or full, don’t force them to eat or breastfeed. If they seem hungry, try offering a solid food snack instead of rushing to breastfeed.
  5. Replace Comfort Feedings Last: Reserve comfort feedings, such as before naptime or bedtime, for the last to be replaced. These feedings often have an emotional aspect and can help your baby adjust to the change.
  6. Ending Weaning: When you are ready to end all breastfeeding sessions, try replacing your current breastfeeding sessions with a sippy cup of milk or a special treat and cuddles.

Maintaining Bonding and Comfort:

Weaning is not just about food; it’s also about the emotional bond between you and your baby. Here’s how to ensure that bond remains strong during the weaning process:

  1. Cuddle and Skin-to-Skin: Continue to offer cuddles, skin-to-skin contact, and eye contact during feeding times to maintain the emotional connection.
  2. Offer Alternatives: Introduce a sippy cup or a small cup with water or expressed milk to replace breastfeedings, promoting independence.
  3. Comfort and Soothing: Be prepared to provide extra comfort through rocking, singing, or offering a soft toy when your baby seeks comfort through breastfeeding.

Be Patient and Flexible:

Every baby is unique, and the weaning process can take time. Be patient and willing to adjust your approach based on your baby’s responses. If your baby experiences any discomfort or emotional distress during weaning, provide extra love and reassurance.


Weaning from breastfeeding is a natural part of your baby’s growth and development. The gradual approach ensures a gentle transition that honors your baby’s emotional and nutritional needs. Remember that this is a journey of discovery for both you and your little one. Cherish the moments, celebrate the milestones, and embrace the new chapter of your parenting adventure with joy and love.

If your child is older than 12 months, click here to read my toddler weaning post.